DCTC is in session next week Mon-Wed. Skyline DCTC students will attend classes both Monday and Tuesday morning returning before our early release time of 12:45.
Announcement: Skyline will be hosting a Blood Drive tomorrow November 30th in the HS Cafeteria from 3-6pm.
We now have an internet radio station that can be used for various activities here at Skyline. To listen, you just need to click the link below. The link will be the same for every activity.
Barring technical issues, we are planning to provide radio broadcasts for the remaining games at the Warsaw Tournament.
Go to Link here and tap the "play" button: https://play.radioking.com/radio/skyline-radio2
School will be in-session Monday 11/21
There will be no HS/MS tutoring after school Tuesday 11/22
See you tomorrow!
Senior Citizen's Day!
We are excited to see all of our students tomorrow! 😀 A couple reminders…..
• School starts at 8am.
• Breakfast & Lunch are no longer free, please turn in a completed Free & Reduced Lunch Form. It helps your school when you qualify!
• We expect all vehicles to stop for our buses on the road when the stop sign is “out”. Violators will be reported to the highway patrol.
• Be aware that the construction of the Fema storm shelter will prevent any vehicles from passing through from the elementary to the middle school.
A parent meeting for Junior High Football will be held on Thursday August 18 at 6:30 in the High School Library.
Skyline Open House
Skyline Junior High Football Practice/Game Schedule.
All players must have a completed physical on file at school to participate.
Skyline is currently accepting sealed bids on the following vehicles:
2000 Int. Blue Bird School Bus- runs
1989 Ford Econoline Van- White- Does not run
1986 Ford Econoline Van- Blue- Does not run
Sealed bids are due by Wednesday, August 17th at 3pm at the central office. (If identical bids are submitted, the bid submitted first will be accepted)
Storm Shelter Update:
Skyline Football Info
Graduation events for 2022-23 school year have been moved to following dates:
Baccalaureate - 5/10/2023 @ 7:00pm in HS Gym
Graduation - 5/12/2023 @ 7:00 in HS Gym
Skyline Storm Shelter Groundbreaking Ceremony
Skyline Athletics and the late Lawrence Green will be honored by the Springfield Sports Commission by receiving an Inspiration Award at their banquet on June 21.
Justine Barb will be recognized at the Banquet as a nominee for Athlete of the Year! Congratulations Justine!
Storm Shelter Groundbreaking Ceremony:
A ground breaking ceremony has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 29th at 6:45pm at the building site of the future storm shelter. (between the middle school and elementary)
All members of the Skyline Community are invited!
School will begin at 8:00am beginning in the 2022-23 school year. This will not change bus pickup times, these times will remain the same.
Our state bound Track and Softball teams!!
Go Tigers!!
2021-22 Awards Assemblies Information
Elementary - May 25th in ES/Practice Gym
K - 8:30am
1st - 9:30 am
4th - 10:30am
2nd - 12:30pm
3rd - 1:30pm
Middle School - May 25th in HS Gym
7/8th Grade - 11:15am
5/6th Grade - 1:00pm
High School - May 26th in HS Gym
9-11th Grade - 10:15am