Skyline Lumen Portal
The Lumen portal is an online tool for parents and students to access real-time secure information regarding class schedules, assignments, attendance, grades, course registrations, report cards and transcripts.
The Lumen Portal can be accessed from any computer with internet access using Mozilla FireFox or Google Chrome.
Internet Explorer is NOT recommended.
Parent Portal Information
Parent Portal user accounts are created for each parent and/or guardian who is the legal education decision maker for a Skyline School District student. Each user account requires a unique username and password. NEVER give your login information to anyone else or use anyone else’s login information to access the system.
To set up your parent lumen account please email aperkins@skylineschools.net
If you have multiple students enrolled in Skyline School District, you may access all their information from a single login. You will need the login information for each student.
Log in with information for one student, click the My Students Summary Information icon on the desktop, click the Add My Other Students (if any) button at the top of the list. Enter the information for another student and Request Access to Your Student Information. Accept the User Information Access Agreement and the student will be added to your list.
Repeat for additional students.
Student Portal Information
STUDENTS also have login credentials and especially as the student progresses in school (Middle and High School) they will be expected to check their portal to review information posted for any missing assignments or other important information